So Maybe Not


When I said it would be a final look back at 2010, I forgot that I still had some counted blessings from 2010 to share. I’m still plugging away in my journal, the days between entries are decreasing. I’d like to take it as an indication that this is becoming a habit, counting my blessings, seeing the great joy in my life.

99.  Halloween is finished for the year.  (I’m not a fan.)

100.  A washing machine to wash my clothes for me.

101.  Water in my house to fill my machine, bathe my family and cook our meals.

102.  A dryer to make our clothes warm and toasty.

103.  Electricity brought to my house by wires to power all my conveniences, especially those I see as necessities.

104.  Having the money to pay our utility bills.

105.  A warm fireplace to take the chill out of our house.


There is great joy in the common, everyday tasks.  You just have to see it.

106.  Music filling our basement.

107.  Watching my husband doing what makes him feel closest to God.

108.  Listening to #107 (which also inspired #106).

109.  Watching my oldest’s piano skills grow.

110.  J counting the days to her birthday.

111.  The reminder that every day is  precious, there is great joy to be found in our ordinary lives.

112.  The timely sermon to remind me to take my eyes off that which troubles my heart and look to my Savior – What are you looking at?

113.  Perspective

114.  Lunch with a family that has grown from “one I baby-sat for” to friends.

115.  A joy filled night with our church family.

116.  A church family that meets the needs of our family – friends and mentors for each of us.

117.  Watching a budding friendship grow for my daughter.

118.  Seeing my son feel confident and comfortable with new friends.

119.  Finally seeing what “church family” really means.

Until next time, Vicki

holy experience

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