I already set a theme for my year and do the 3 in 30 goal setting, so why do I need a To Do list on top of it?
I am visual and I love checking things off a list. So I make a lot of lists (have you seen my Big One?). I tend to forget things and having them written down is a life-saver for me. Well, it hasn’t actually saved my life so far, but it has certainly helped my sanity. That’s basically the same thing, right?
I alluded to the fact that I knew what I wanted my word for 2012 to say, but couldn’t find a single word for it. What I wanted my word to say was along the lines of just do it, getting out of my head and doing the things I’ve always wanted to do, etc. These tasks are an extension of that.
- Use two totes worth of fabric. I currently have six 18-gallon totes full of fabric I’ve accumulated for various projects over the last six or so years. My goal is to do this without adding to the pile, but I do know I have some fabric sets that I am needing a coordinate for.
- A blog challenge. I’m pretty sure what I want to do with this one, just need to work out the details and contact a few other bloggers to see if they would like to participate.
- Update my kids’ wall photos. The ones on my wall are almost two years old.
- Go camping. We love to camp, but haven’t in about two summers. Lots of reasons, I just want to make it a point to actually camp this year.
- Accomplish 25 things on my 1000 Things List. I actually need to average 100 things per year in order to accomplish them before my 40th birthday (which is on the list), but I’m starting with a manageable 25. Update: While updating The List, I was actually surprised with how many of the items I had already completed, so 25 isn’t going to set me back too far.
- Get my weight to 175 pounds. Obviously this is post baby and putting an actual number on the internet is not my idea of a good time, but it is something that is important to me. This is 11-14 pounds off my pre-pregnancy weight, so it is completely manageable.
- A photo challenge. I’m thinking a month long challenge will work for this, but I haven’t figured it out just yet.
- Focus Leapin’ Lilies.
- Go back to the Dunes. We went a year ago, but it was COLD. We’d like to go back and explore when we won’t risk losing feeling in our extremities.
- Six weeks on GAPS. We’ve tried a 2.5 week trial run and were happy with the results we started to see, but found that I needed to do some more planning ahead in order to commit to a longer run. Part of that includes saving some money to buffer the added costs. We also want to have some of the foods growing in our garden.
Want an update? Check out One by One with a Deadline.
End of the year update:
- I don’t think I used any fabric, but I didn’t buy more! I’m calling it a win and gonna spell this one out better next time.
- Did not do a blog challenge, but did figure out why I’m blogging. Win.
- Kids photos are on the wall! Bonus, all 5 frames are now full. Double win.
- Did not go camping. Not even in our own yard. We did buy a new tent though. So, guess that was kind of a fail.
- I managed to accomplish 40 things on my big ol’ list. Super win.
- Well, it was good while it lasted. I picked up a few pounds…that I’m hoping some healthy habits will help me kick to the curb.
- Yeah, no photo challenge. Fail.
- Decided to close the Leapin’ Lilies Etsy shop. I guess that’s focused. Win?
- Didn’t get back to the Dunes. Boo hiss. Epic fail.
- We made it almost six weeks, but we’re counting it. Was totally worth it. Win.
On to 2013!