19 Ways to Change Up Your Housework Routine

19 Ways to Change Up Your Housework Routine - Is your housework boring you? Try adding something different each day. Here are 19 ideas to try from Vicki-Arnold.com

Do you ever feel like you are doing the same thing over and over again? Housework especially can seem repetitious. So, let’s try something new. Make it a point everyday to find something to do that you will not have to do again for at least two weeks.

“Do I really have that much to do?” you ask. Probably. Here is a list of things to get your brain a-working. Some you may do more frequently, but you’ll get the idea.

Now, if you follow one of those super organized ways of managing household tasks beyond your basic cleaning routine, then more power to you, this blog post will bore you.

1. Clean your sink– No, I don’t mean not doing the dishes for two weeks at a time. I mean take the time to scrub the sink ’til it shines, around the drain, the faucet, the disposal, everywhere.

2. Clean your washing machine– When was the last time you really looked at your washing machine? Take the time to scrub the inside, clean the corners that catches dirt as you dump your clothes in. I did this recently and was ridiculously pleased with the results.

3. Vacuum the air returns & change/clean air filter for you furnace– Now, you may do this often, but I never even realized it needed done until we were 3 months into our newly built house and I looked up in horror at my cold air returns. Scary!

4. Clean the phones– Yeah, the thing that everyone has in their hands on a daily basis. Don’t submerge it obviously, but wipe that stinker down with some disinfectant or good ole soap and water.

5. Clean out your drains– BEFORE they start backing up. Baking soda and vinegar are good tools for this. So are husbands with a strong stomach.

6. Wash your windows/sliding doors– Inside and out, top to bottom. Clean the track, these can get shockingly dirty. Hose down the screens. It is amazing the difference a clean window will make to a room.

7. Clean your blinds/drapes/curtains– Personally, I recommend my Mom’s method of hosing the blinds down out in the sunshine, but if you want to clean them individually, slat by slat, be my guest.

8. Change your answering machine message– Be creative. This is a fun thing. We recently changed our message, the kids helped me. If you haven’t heard it yet and know my number, you should call. As my sister said, it is darn cute. {Confession – this post is from my very first blog a few years ago, the message on my machine is still the same.}{Update: We changed machines and sadly, our message is no more.}

9. Wash your cabinets– Wipe down the exteriors, dust the tops if they are exposed, wipe the shelves. It never ceases to amaze me how mucked up my cabinets get with grimy fingerprints and splashed food/drinks.

10. Wash the dog– Ok, admittedly, some dogs need washed a lot more often than two weeks, but it’s an idea.

11. Clean out your kid’s outgrown clothes– Purge your kid’s closets and dressers. Give some, if not all, the items to charity. You’ll have less laundry and feel good that you helped someone less fortunate. This is the perfect time to do this considering the seasonal weather change that is upon us.

12. Clean your ceiling fans– It is amazing how something in motion can collect so much dust!

13. Get rid of books you haven’t read in months or years– This one is a little painful for me, but sometimes our priorities change and books we once thought valuable are no longer.

14. Wash your shoes– Or polish or whatever. Just take a little time to spiffy them up.

15. Write & mail some birthday or just because cards– Who doesn’t like getting mail that doesn’t require payment or isn’t another piece of political jargon?! With all the technology we have today, sending a card stands out and is an uncommon personal touch that says you care.

16. Clean under your refrigerator– This requires a little muscle if you go all out and move the darn thing, but cleaning the outside and under parts of your fridge can actually help it run better/longer.

17. Clean out your pantry– Donate any items that you don’t need and toss anything expired. Maybe try some new organizing tricks.

18. Clean your dishwasher– Mine is looking quite disgusting these days. Those corners catch more crap than I don’t know what, but it’s a lot.

19. Clean under a sink– Pick one, I don’t care. Right now the one under my kitchen sink is particularly grody and crying out for help. How about yours?

Use the comment section and share some of your ideas.

Another way you can change things up a bit is to have a day for doing all those little things that you need to do, but never seem to find the time for. Skip some of your everyday chores to do this. It will give you a little break and you can get all those “little” things off your mind.

Here are some scriptures to help give you a little boost of motivation.

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  1. Megan Mosley says

    Nice list!

  2. This is a nice list… but for the exception of thoroughly cleaning my sink – I never get through enough of my “have-to” stuff to do these things too… got any ideas how to fix that?

    • You know, the only advice I have for that is to seek God’s advice. I know from experience that when we take it to Him in prayer, He is faithful to show us what we need to know. Sometimes He takes things off our “have-to” list, sometimes He shows us where we are wasting time (a particularly painful one for my selfish self), and sometimes He simply gives us peace that we are doing what we need to be doing. We are all a work in progress and this list isn’t meant to add to anyone’s to do list, it is simply a tool to be used if one is looking for something different to shake up their routine. 🙂


  1. […] If you would like to change up your housework routine, this post may help. […]

  2. […] 19 Ways to Change Up Your Housework Routine […]

  3. […] Keeping a clean home. Try leaving your sink empty each night for a week. Or challenge yourself to clean something everyday that you won’t have to touch again for at least 2 weeks. […]