October’s 3 in 30 goals went pretty well. We had very minimal television time in our house, we ate better (thanks to a three week GAPS diet trial run) and I left October feeling better about my kids’ Mom. On to November!
1. Daily Bible and prayer time – Feel like you’ve seen this one a time or two before? That happens because it is unfortunately the thing I let go first when things get busy or I simply get distracted. So, that one is back on the list for November. So far, things are going well, I finished Genesis in about 3 or 4 readings and am now moving on to Exodus. I’m also reading Romans in the New Testament.
2. Actually do at least one project each week with my kids – This is one of those, we have so many plans, but life gets in the way things. November is a particularly busy month for me this year, but I’m purposing to not lose this precious time with my kids. My oldest turns 9 next week and I’ve been hit recently with just how SHORT the time is that my children will be young. And with the pregnancy hormones raging through me (29 weeks!), I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster lately. I cry easily, but seeing the change in my babies in the last two years almost brought sobs. Seriously.
3. Stay on top of the happenings of the month – It would have been appropriate if my parents had given me the middle name of Procrastinator instead of Lynn. Procrastination is my biggest struggle. So I have my lists and am taking the month on a week-by-week basis.
How about you? What are your goals for this lovely month?
Ashley Pichea says
I totally understand with #1 being a repeat… seasons and cycles of life throw our schedules and routines out of whack so easily, and somehow that is always the first “normal activity” to get knocked off the priority list. Praying for you as you seek to make time with Him a priority this month!!
Vicki says
Thank you for your prayers. 🙂 It is frustrating that the very thing that sets the tone for the day positively is the first thing I forget. Ah, life.