If feels like so much has happened since I last wrote a real blog post, but when I sit here to write about it, I’m blank. I guess that’s what happens when you spend a month in bed and/or throwing up. June and July are rather blurry. Here is what I do remember:
- I made it through the first trimester. Wohoo! I sit here today at 15 weeks with a growing baby bump stretching my clothes. Time for maternity clothes, once I actually get some.
- In July, once the nausea went away, I canned 21 pints of bread and butter pickles, 7 half-pints of peach jam (more like syrup, my peaches were super sweet and I didn’t add enough pectin) and 15 pints worth of strawberry peach jam (which was my own recipe and AWESOME, by the way). We are looking forward to canning green beans soon!
- I froze 1 quart of cherries, 2 quarts of raspberries and 2 gallons of sliced peaches. We like smoothies around here. We also add our frozen fruit to our oatmeal (really nice in the winter when fruit is not in season).
- Our garden finally took off. I took some photos on the 18th to share, but it looks so different already, I’ll try to get more tonight and share soon. We have green tomatoes which are taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R to ripen, plenty of cucumbers and yellow squash. I ended up pulling our yellow squash plants because the blasted squash bugs killed a couple and I didn’t want a repeat of last year (hundreds of the nasty buggers).
- I finally admitted we don’t eat enough yellow squash to warrant planting them. I’m going to switch to zucchini next year, maybe one squash plant on the opposite end of the garden.
- I spent the last part of July getting our homeschool year planned. We started on July 25th and had a great first week.
- We had some birthday fun, some sickness and lots of catch up in July, too.
- We got our first REAL watermelon of the season. You know, the ones with seeds. The seeds a watermelon are supposed to have to reproduce? It is not the one in the photos, I broke down and bought a seedless one because I was craving watermelon. It was ok. I’m looking forward to the Black Diamond watermelons ripening in our garden. I hear it’s like eating heaven.
I hope you are having a great summer! Tomorrow starts a brand new month. I’ll be joining in with 3 in 30 again in August, maybe this time I’ll be able to give a follow up post!
So tell me, what have you been up to?
P.S. For full disclosure I should tell you that not everything I had started and/or planned to plant got planted. I’ll update you on what is actually growing here this week. 😉
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