Alphabet Activities for All Ages Changes…Sort of
When Becky and I first starting talking about our plans for the Alphabet Activities for All Ages project, we had a particular formula in mind with how are posts would look. Namely, we would be ahead and our posts would look a certain way. We had plans for the activities we would include and life would be peachy keen.
Well, as our school year is progressing, I think I can finally accept something. I am not much of an activities homeschool mom. There, I said it. In our homeschool, we read books. Occasionally out loud (which I’m learning to like), but often we read to ourselves and share the particularly interesting things we think others will enjoy.
Why am I telling you this? Well, because it’s going to effect my Alphabet Activities posts around here. I will still include activities and tell you of the things we did, but you will notice my weekly posts will be predominantly book lists. I do hope you like books. We sure do.
C is for Cats Booklist
My focus this week is on cats, big and small. We have f0ur barn cats that are sweet as can be and my kids love them to pieces. We will be looking at more than domesticated cats this week though.
Books About Wild Cats
- Serval Cats by Tim Cooke (j599.752 C773 2009) – A Scholastic book that Amazon doesn’t carry, apparently.
- The Mountain Lion by James V. Bradley (j599.7524 B811 2006)
- Face to Face with Leopards by Beverly and Dereck Joubert (j599.7554 qJ86 2009)
- Siberian Tiger: The World’s Biggest Cat by Meish Goldish (j599.756 G619 2010)
- Amazing Animals: Tigers by Valeries Bodden (j599.756 qB666 2009)
- Face to Face with Lions by Beverly and Dereck Joubert (j599.757 qJ86 2008)
- Face to Face with Cheetahs by Chris Johns with Elizabeth Carney (j599.759 qJ65 2008)
The Face to Face series is from National Geographic, which should be a clue as to the quality of the images in the books. These are the types of non-fiction books my son would pour over before he learned to like reading fiction.
Books About Domesticated Cats
- Amazing Animals: Cats by Christina Wilsdon (j636.8 W746 2009) – Covers all kinds of cat details, lots of photos.
- Kitten: Watch Me Grow! Photographs by Nancy Sheehan (j636.8 qS541 2000) – Just about every kid I know loves kittens, this book is loaded with photos of them.
- Dewey: There’s a Cat in the Library by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter (j636.80929 qM998d 2009) – This is a fun story about an abandoned kitten who became the library’s cat.
- ABC Cats by Kathy Darling (j636.8 qD221 1998) – This fun book takes you through cat breeds from A-Z, with photographs of each one. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t have this one either!
- Hi, Cat! by Ezra Jack Keats (Easy Keats) – Our copy came with an audio CD of the book.
C is for Cats Activities
Some fun cat art, crafts, and activities from around the web:
- This is something my toddler will like, make a fun little cat out of the letter C
- We like to make cards. I found a couple samples to show the kids – here and here.
- My kids like to draw, we have a few drawing books that we may see what different kinds/styles of cats we can come up with.
- Coloring is something we also enjoy. I found a few coloring pages – one, two, and three.
- These cat bookmarks are adorable! Being readers, these are must do’s for us.
C is for Cats Printable
I’m really starting to get into making these things! This time I have a .
! It’s free.
Well, bless you for not being an Activities Mom. 😀 I’m not either and would MUCH prefer a booklist, any day! We love cats (we have 8 of the little beasties living here) and I will have to see if our library has your book suggestions. Thanks! #BB100