Previously, I shared the huge list of contemporary book series for tween girls. This post will focus on classic book series for tween girls. These are books that have stood the test of time and still bring joy to readers.
You’ll notice that not all of them are what you might consider a classic like Chronicles of Narnia and Anne of Green Gables. Those are most definitely included, but so are other fun classics like Beverly Cleary’s series and The Baby-Sitters Club.
The Baby-Sitters Club books were a highlight of my late elementary/middle school years. They inspired me to take up babysitting, though I doubt I was half the babysitter that Kristy and the gang were. I just wished I was as cool as they were.
Series that are pre-2000 are included on this list. After 2000, they are on the contemporary list. This is no official rule I’m following, just the way I’ve decided to break this huge list up. Be sure to watch for the next list in this miniseries, biographical series for tween girls. Sign up for email updates to be sure you don’t miss it!
So let’s get started on today’s list. Again, I have included the age and grade recommendations that I could find and the first two or three titles from the series. Also again, I am making no assessment on content, that is for you to decide for your family.
Classic Book Series for Tween Girls
Sarah, Plain and Tall (6-10y, 1st-5th)
The Borrowers (7-10y, 2nd-5th)
The Littles (7-10y, 2nd-5th)
The Boxcar Children (7y+, 2nd-5th)
American Girls Collections (8y+, 3rd+)
These are the original, historical series.
Betsy Tacy (8-12y, 2nd-5th)
Ramona (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
The Mouse and the Motorcycle (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
Little House on the Prairie (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
Fudge Series (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
All-of-a-Kind Family (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
The Baby-Sitters Club (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
Anastasia Krupnik (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
Anne of Green Gables (8-12y, 3rd-7th)
Chronicles of Narnia (8y+, 3rd+)
I’m going with the “reading in order of publication” crowd. That is why they are “out of order” based on some of the numbers on the books. Those are of the “reading in chronological order” variety.
Mandie (8-13y, 3rd+)
The Moffats (10-12y, 5th-7th)
That’s today’s list. Did I miss one that you think HAS to be on this list? Tell me about it in the comments!
Don’t miss the contemporary fiction list of book series for tween girls and the biographical series for tween girls, too!
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