We have reached the letter E in our alphabet studies. This one was a fun one to find books for. There are a lot of different ways you can approach eggs. I hope you enjoy the books as much as I did. I think my kids liked them, too.
We had some beautiful weather here this week and that trumped a lot of our planned activities. After a record snowy and cold winter, plus the threat of more snow this week, we NEEDED to be outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. It did us all good.
Oh, and “coincidentally,” our chickens started laying again last week. We have been enjoying fresh eggs again. The simple things in life bring great joy.
E is for Egg Book List
Picture Books About Eggs
- The Talking Eggs by Robert D. San Souci (j398.2 qS229t 1989) – This is a folktale. It’s, um, interesting.
- Little Grunt and the Big Egg: a Prehistoric Fairy Tale by Tomie dePaola (Easy De Paola) – A cute story about a boy and his pet, who hatches from an egg.
- Scrambled Eggs Super! by Dr. Seuss (Easy Seuss) – It’s Dr. Seuss, do you need more?
- The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs by Mairi Mackinnon (Easy Mackinnon) – This is a retelling of Aesop’s fable. It is a level three Usborne reader.
- Ollie’s Easter Eggs by Olivier Dunrea (Easy Dunrea) – We love this book series, the goslings are adorable and the stories are always cute, fun, and quick reads.
- Ten Eggs in a Nest by Marilyn Sadler (Easy Sadler) – This is a sweet story about a rooster and hen who become first time parents.
- Dora’s Eggs by Julie Sykes (Easy Sykes) – Nope, not the explorer Dora. This is about a hen named Dora.
Books About Animals Who Lay Eggs
We really could have added more animals and books to this list, but there is only so much library book weight that my shoulder can carry!
- Eggs by Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by Emma Stevenson (j591.468 S617 2008) – The illustrations in this book are lovely.
- A Nest Full of Eggs by Priscilla Belz Jenkins (j598.842 qJ52 1995) – Some children study and wait for the nest of robin’s eggs to hatch outside their window.
- Egg to Robin by Oliver S. Owen (j598.842 qO97 1994) – This is also about robins, but is illustrated with photographs. (Not the cover photo on Amazon)
- It’s a Hummingbird’s Life by Irene Kelly (j598.764 K29 2003) – A neat book about my favorite bird.
- Butterfly Eggs by Helen Frost (j595.789146 F939 1999) – All about butterfly eggs. I had no idea there were so many kinds!
- Who Lays Eggs? by Karen Latchana Kenney (j591.468 K36 2011) – An interesting, short read on the details of different egg-laying creatures.
Books About Eating Eggs
- Eggs by Jodi Liano (641.675L693 2010) – There’s a lot of different ways to eat eggs beyond fried, scrambled, and boiled. I love cookbooks with photographs, this one has a decent amount.
- What’s for Lunch? Eggs by Claire Llewellyn (j641.375 L791 1999) – A book on the nutritional value of eggs and where they come from.
- Eggs by Michel Roux (641.675 R871 2005) – A wide variety of recipes in this book, accompanied by beautiful photography, and more background and cooking information.
Other Egg Books
- Eggs: Poems by Fanny Howe (811.54 H855e) – This is one for the older student. It’s different, but if you like to read poetry, you may find it to be a good read. Note: there is a poem in here titled eggs, but that is really the extent of its connection to our theme.
- You Can Draw Zoo Animals by Jannie Ho (j743.6 qH678 2011) – There are several egg-laying animals to try drawing in this book.
- Eggs 1 2 3 Who will the babies be? by Janet Halfmann (Easy Halfmann) – This concept book is illustrated beautifully. It is also a lift-the-flap type book, but they are large and regular paper. So you don’t want to leave your toddler alone with this book.
- Decorating Eggs: Exquisite Designs with Wax and Dye by Jane Pollak (745.5944 qP771 1996) – This instructional book is way out of our crafting league, but it is fascinating to see the process behind these exquisite eggs.
E is for Egg Activities
A few egg activities that we either did or will get to now that the weather has turned icky again:
- Naked egg experiment – I have had this on my to do list for a LONG time. Watch my Instagram feed to see the results when we finally get around to it. Hint: it will be after I can pick up some cheap eggs from the grocery store. No way I’m wasting some of our fresh beauties.
- Do some cooking – See above for some cookbook ideas.
- Decorate some eggs – I have been wanting to try dying eggs with natural dyes for a long time, too. I found two great posts to help with this, from Simple Bites and The SITS Girls.
E is for Egg Printable
I know you all were sorely disappointed to not have a printable for the letter D, so I made sure to include one this week! I made you all a cute little, mini coloring book with some clip art from Little Red’s Clip Art. !
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