I saw this on Money Saving Mom and The Better Mom. They both made a list of the books they are planning to read this year. I’m not nearly ambitious as Crystal, but I would like to commit to reading at least one book a month this year. Here are the books I’ve chosen, in no particular order:
1. When You Rise Up by R.C. Sproul Jr. (homeschooling)
2. What the Plus! by Guy Kawasaki (business)
3. DIY Projects for the Self-Sufficient Homeowner: 25 Ways to Build a Self-Reliant Lifestyle (gardening/homemaking)
4. Grace by Max Lucado (faith)
5. Reach: How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God by Laura Krokos and Angi Pratt (business & faith)
6. The Good Wife’s Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet by Darlene Schacht (marriage)
7. 31 Days to Build a Better Blog 2nd edition by Darren Rowse (business)
8. Mindset for Moms: From Mundane to Marvelous Thinking in Just 30 Days by Jamie C. Martin (motherhood)
9. 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal Paine (life)
10. Pursuit of Proverbs 31 by Amy Bayliss (faith)
11. 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way by Sarah Mae (homemaking)
12. My Blog Traffic Sucks! 8 Simple Steps to Get 100,000 Blog Visitors without Working 8 Days a Week by Steve Scott (business)