Summer reading is in full swing around here. Today I am going to share some summer reading resources along with my summer reading list. Let’s dig in!
Every new year, I make a list of books I want to read in that year. Some years I read them all, others I barely finish one. The last couple years have been like the latter. I’ve been so busy with homeschooling, blogging, and social media that reading real books has fallen down the priority list. I decided to change that last month.
Actually, that’s part of the reason you haven’t seen much of me here lately. I’ve been busy putting my house and priorities back in order. Seems to be a regular happening for me. I keep telling myself one of these days I’ll get it right, but who knows? All I know is that when my priorities shift from where they should be, everything suffers.
The one book that is not included in my picture, but is a consistent read for me when my priorities are in line, is my Bible. I’ve been intentional the last six weeks to make sure that the very first thing I do when I get up is read at least one chapter in my Bible. I made it through Matthew in May and moved on to Mark. It helps set my perspective for the day.
After I read my Bible, I usually take the time to read some of my current book. I use this time to encourage me in a specific area. I read a lot of encouragement in the homeschooling area last month. Specifically, I worked my way through Zan Tyler’s 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child’s Potential. I will be reviewing it here on the blog, but you don’t have to wait for that. It’s a GREAT book.
My Summer Reading List
No More Perfect Kids: Love Your Kids for Who They Are by Jill Savage & Kathy Koch – I’m skimming through this one, honestly. It’s a good companion for Zan’s book. Encouragement to honor how God created your child to be someone specific with a unique path.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; The Horse and His Boy; and Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis – We recently watched the three movies and it encouraged me to finally read this series. I am reading this with the kids. Yes, I am reading out loud, but the real shocker is that I’m enjoying it. See? Homeschooling has a way of changing you. 😉
Blog, Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho – I’ll be honest, the thing that attracts me to this book the most is the interviews with other bloggers. I love seeing how other bloggers define success and how they reach it. I’m sure I’ll pick up some other helpful tips related to actually blogging, but that will just be icing on the cake for me.
Whit’s End Mealtime Devotions by John Avery Whittaker – This has been on my list to use for a while, but never actually picked it up. I’ve always wanted to do mealtime devotions with my kids, but never put legs to that. I’m using this book to do just that. We won’t make it through it completely this summer, but that’s ok.
Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford – I got this for Mother’s Day, per my request. It just seemed like encouragement I need right now.
An Amish Garden by Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, Tricia Goyer, & Vannetta Chapman – This is the very first Amish fiction I’ve ever read. It is four novellas in one nice sized book. I actually have finished this one already and you can look for a review on it soon.
Christian Unschooling by Teri J. Brown – This is a reread for me. Homeschooling encouragement for my slightly weary homeschooling mama heart.
The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion – A fiction book that I picked up after Kelly reviewed it on The Library Adventure. Editing Kelly’s posts is actually a double-edged sword. I find great books and want to add them all to my to read list, but that list is already quite large. Eh, I’ll take that problem.
101 Kids Activities That Are the Bestest, Funnest Ever! by Holly Homer & Rachel Miller – I’m sort of, kind of wanting to challenge myself this summer. After telling more than one person that I’m not a “fun mom” I realized I’d like that not to mean I’m a “boring, put everything off for SOMEday” mom. We’re going to do something from this book, hopefully a few somethings. I’ll be sure to tell you about it.
Lead Your Family Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, & Tricia Goyer – I’m hoping to read through this with my non-book-loving husband.
Good Call: Reflections on Faith, Family, and Fowl by Jase Robertson with Mark Schlabach – We enjoy watching Duck Dynasty around here. We own all four seasons that are out and I just received notice that my pre-ordered 5th season is on its way. Jase is my favorite Robertson, he reminds me of my husband.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens by Debra Bell – I am a big fan of Deb Bell’s. I don’t have a teenager yet, I have a good year and a half for that. I am going to focus on the middle school section of this book for now. I’ll dive into the other sections this winter.
eBook Suggestions
My 2014 To Read List is kind of ebook heavy this year. I’ve purchased some of those ebook bundles over the last two years and have a back log of ebooks I want to read through. Here are a few for you to consider adding to your list:
- Steeped: Simple Nourishing Teas and Treats :: Herbal teas are something that seem like I should do more of, but I haven’t had much experience with them beyond what I can buy from Celestial Seasonings, Stash Organics, or Bigelow.
- The UnWired Mom – Choosing to Live Free in an Internet Addicted World :: This goes along with encouraging me to be more intentional with my kids. Like Hands Free Mama and 101 Kids Activities, I’m looking to be encouraged in the changes God is gently leading me through.
- How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul)Â :: Blogging costs money. I have a goal for this blog to move beyond covering its expenses and provide an income that helps my family reach our goals.
Other Book Lists
I don’t know about you, but I enjoy seeing what people are reading. I think you can get to know a person by the books they choose (and how they like them). I also often add new books to my list to check out at the library. I’m including a couple other blogger’s to read lists and I’ve collected some other lists that you can check out. Be sure to check out The Library Adventure, we have a ton of book reviews and book lists for all ages.
- 95 Young Adult Books to Read This Summer Instead of Reading Harry Potter Again
- My Summer Reading List – Cassondra has quite a few classics on her list, go see which ones.
- My Summer Reading List (Biblical Womanhood, Parenting, and Marriage)
- Science Books for Adults – Summer Reading Fun!
- Memorable Memoirs
As much as I hate to cause anyone pain, the pain of more good books to read is a cross I’m willing to bear. 😉 I hope you like The Rosie Project. It’s one of my favorite books from this year.