You can probably imagine that I like to write. I kind of love it, in fact, but I know not everyone does. Some kids are reluctant to write, they can’t seem to make a connection with what’s in their imagination to their hand to put it on paper. Some draw a blank when a blank piece of paper is put in front of them.
Some just think it is boring
That’s when a story prompt can be of help. Simple questions or statements that get their creative juices flowing. Here’s a list of story prompts to help the process along:
Story Prompts That Ask a Question
- What would happen if you woke up suddenly with one super power?
- How would you spend $1,000 dollars?
- What would the perfect meal be?
- Where would you travel if money and time weren’t a problem?
- What fictional character would you like to live a day in their life?
- What is your idea of the perfect day?
- What holiday would you like to create?
- How would you like to change the world?
- Which would you rather be, rich and sad or poor and happy?
- What time period would you like to live in?
Statement Story Prompts
- I had never been so surprised in my life.
- There was only one option if they wanted to find the buried treasure, they must…
- Suddenly, everyone in the room jumped.
- The best story I ever heard went like this.
- If there was one thing I dreaded most in school, it would be…
- He felt the wind in his hair as he rode along the trail.
- My family always does this when we celebrate Thanksgiving.
- The little dog scampered up the hill and what he saw made him run even faster.
- My favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is…
- If I could witness one event in history, I would pick…
Get creative and you can probably come up with some prompts that involve your child’s interests. Involve superheroes, animals, or family members and see what kind of creative story your young writer can come up with.
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